Actual concentration PM

Webmapping tool Particulate Matter

By clicking on this link a map with actual PM concentration in the Mues-Rhine Euregion will appear in a separate window.

In the center of this window a map with actual PM concentrations can be seen. At the left of this map the 'layer' menu is shown with below the 'Air Quality in the EMR' trafic light. At the rigth the legenda of the map is shown.
Below the different menus and functionalities are explained.

Layer menu:

This menu consists of 4 layers, 'Backrground Maps', 'Administration', 'PM10 (24-avg)' and 'Extended Background'.

Backgound maps: Here the different background layers of the map can be chosen.

Adminstration: In these layer the different borders of the EMR, the different municipalities or the different regions can be chosen

By clikcing on the links below more information can be found  on the different divisions  can be found.
EMR boundaries
EMR municipalities
EMR regions

PM10 (24-avg): In this layer the information of PM which is shown can be chosen.

The PM10 map of PMLAB web mapping tool is calculated from data provided by the national and regional air quality administrations competent for the EUREGIO. This calculation is based on recent data from air quality station measurements in the EMR using a geostatistical model used at IRCELINE which had been modified and adjusted to the EMR region by the PMLAB project. The model uses CORINE land use and average E-PRTR emission data and combines them with a recent spatial concentration trend.

Functionalities of the PM10 (24-avg) main layer are:

Data availabilty: Time and date of last data transfer is shown in the top line
Number of presently reporting stations: Is given in the “Data Quality Trafic Light” (left mouse click on “PM10 (24-avg)” top line)
PM forecast based on weather type statistics: Via the “PM statistics for next 3 days weather types” tool (left mouse click on “PM10 (24-avg)” top line). This tool shows the recent average PM10 concentrations at background and traffic stations (left above and below) and the forecasted DWD weather types for the coming days combined with calculated PM10 concentration average and range values for these weather types in the EMR (right). AdditionalPM10 forecasts are available at IRCELINE, LANUV/EURAD, RIVM

PM10 measurement stations (µg/m³):Recent PM10 data based on data from the national and regional air quality administrations (IRCELINE, LANUV, PLIM, RIVM). The data from different measurement equipment and different national procedures have been corrected on the base of elaborate equipment tests and special measurement campaigns at different measurement sites in the EUREGIO Meuse-Rhine to obtain data with maximal cross border comparability.

PM10 concentration maps (µg/m³):PM10 concentrations as calculated using recent data from EMR air quality measurement stations and the geostatistical model. The map resolution is 1 km x 1 km. Indicated concentration values can deviate substantially from the real values.

Extended background information:
With this layer additional information can be added like background information on emissions, land use and present atmospheric transport

PM10 Emission and Thematic Maps Euregio Meuse-Rhine:
Functionalities of the PM10 Emission and Thematic Maps Euregio Meuse-Rhine  layer are:

E-PRTR large point sources (Emitters > 50 tons p.a.): Large point sources according to the european statistics in the E-PRTR register. These large emitters normally have high chimneys which lead to widespread but relatively low PM concentrations near the ground.

E-PRTR Diffuse Emission (2008): Diffuse emissions according to the european statistics in the E-PRTR register. The emissions are divided into agriculture, industry, aviation, shipping, road traffic and residential on base of 5 km x 5 km rasters
CORINE Land Cover (2006): Information on land use in the EUREGIO based on the CORINE land use data. The land cover data give information on the situation of emitents in 100 m x 100 m rasters
Modeled Inversion Intensity: Information on local differences in nighttime dispersion conditions given by the typical evening cooling. This value is calculated by the DWD cold air drainage model KLAM_21 and indicates the intensity of stable stratification in the air near the ground during clear and calm nights. Stable stratification increases the risk of high concentrations, this is typically the case in valleys and less in warm urban areas

PM10 Concentrations 2008 – 2010: Annual mean concentrations based on the annual mean station values calculated according to the geostatistical model
Rhenish Lignite Mining Area: Situation of emitents related to the extensive PM sources of these open pit mines. The map shows point sources and the mining areas

Clean Air Plans: Cities and areas having clean air plans according to european legislation

PM10 Emissions and Trajectories Europe:

Functionalities of the PM10 Emission and Trajectories Europe layer:

Back-Trajectories: Map showing the transport paths of the air mass presently located over the centre of the EUREGIO. The NASA Hysplit trajectories are generated for different hights and can be viewed as
profiles, too (left mouse click on “Back-Trajectories…”” top line)
E-PRTR Diffuse Emission (2008): E-PRTR data for entire Europe to indicate emiters along air mass transport paths

Use of other tools on the PMLAB web mapping homepage

The legends give additional information on the maps. The color scheme is adapted to the different use of colors and divisions in the countries. The colors for PM concentrations indicate generally lower or higher concentration levels, not at all “safe” or “dangerous” PM situation

Air Quality in the EMR: The air quality traffic light under the layer menu (left) indicates the general PM situation in the EMR. Its color scheme is based on the last data reports of the measurement stations

Permalink: This tool is situated down left on the map. It gives the possibility to freeze the present map view in scale, clip and combination of layers and to create a link of this view which can be used in documents or bookmarks

Links to PMLAB Project Partners: Links to our measurement network partners can be found under Legend Menu (right). Aside there are links to the organisations
operating the PMLAB web mapping tool (Dept. Geography, RWTH Aachen University, ISSEP, Liège, IRCELINE).