Various partners from the Euroregion are involved in this project.
The Province of Limburg (NL)
ISSeP of Liège (B)
The Centre for Environmental Sciences (Applied and Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Biology research groups) of Hasselt University (B).
Department of Geography of RWTH Aachen University (Germany)
The partners will work together closely to exchange measurement data and procedures, and to draw up new procedures.
The Province of Limburg (NL) is the lead partner. It is involved with this project in various areas (technical, financial and coordination). In concrete terms, coordination will be carried out by CSE (Centre of Sustainable Environment). This centre for a healthy and sustainable living environment is a partnership between the Province of Limburg, the municipal health services of Limburg and Zuyd University. In this centre, the three partners work together, and each contributes its own knowledge and skills towards realising a more healthy and sustainable living environment.