Health Effects PM

Fine particles in particulate matter areinhaled into the lungs . Particles larger than 10 microns (one hundredth of a millimeter ) are retained by the nose and excreted via the mucous membrane. Damage occurs in the lung , but the mechanism by which this occurs is not known . The hypothesis is that the small particles cause inflammation and hinder the absorption of oxygen. These inflammatory reactions , which release radicals are harmful to the heart . Possibly, particulate matters also ensures that the blood becomes more viscous , increasing the risk of a heart attack. Neurological effects of fine particles were found, for example an adverse effect on heart muscle function. Finally, free radicals are associated with premature aging .
It is not quite clear what the effect the chemical composition of the particles on the size of the health damage is. Some people are more sensitive to particulate matter than others , but it does not indicate in advance which people will suffer damage to their health. It is plausible that with a higher exposure and with greater sensitivity the health risk is larger. Vulnerable groups are particularly the elderly and people with heart, vascular or pulmonary disease .
Studies indicate that there is no safe lower limit to the exposure of particulate matter: even how small the exposure is, there is always a measurable adverse effect on health. The current standards are therefore a compromise between health interests and socio - economic interests
This text is a translation of the Wikipedia article Fijnstof. This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licence.