Legislation in the field of air pollution is determined at the European level. The European directive on air quality 2008/50/EC is transposed into national and regional legislation . In this Directive older ( daughter) directives are processed , plus the decision on the information on air quality measurements . Limits are set for multiple air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides , sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide , lead and benzene . For particulate matter, the limit values for PM10 and limit and target values for PM2.5 are important .
The directive is aimed at air quality in designated areas , so to combat air pollution all sources can be addressed. To this end, zones or agglomerations are appointed in which air quality plans are to be developed as soon as the limit values are almost reached . An additional measure is the request for a postponement to meet PM10 , nitrogen oxides and benzene limit values, called derogation.